
Lesson 38 Part 3

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, তোমাদের জন্য ইংরেজি বিষয়ের লেসন-৩৮ Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp : Part-3 থেকে প্যাসেজ এবং বিভিন্ন গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর ধারাবাহিকভাবে আলোচনা করছি।
Aladin was alone. It was dark inside the cave. He called the magician. There was no answer. Aladin was afraid. He began to pray. He rubbed the ring. At once a genie came and said, ‘I am the slave of the ring. I will obey you. What do you want?’ Aladin was trembling to see the genie. But he said, ‘Take me out.’ At once he was outside the cave. He came back home. Aladin was very hungry. But there was no food in the house.
Aladin asked his mother to sell the lamp. The lamp was dusty. So she began to rub it. At once another big genie was there. It said, ‘I am the genie of the lamp. I obey him who holds it. What do you want?’ Aladin said, ‘Bring us some food!’ The big genie vanished. After some time it came back with a silver tray on his head. There were two silver plates, two silver cups, twelve silver dishes full of nice food. After this whenever they were hungry or needed anything, the genie brought it for them. So they had no want any more and Aladin lived happily with his mother.
Q.1. Tick the correct answer.
A. When Aladin rubbed the ring — came.
a) his mother b) a genie c) the magician d) his uncle
B. The ring was made of
a) brass b) silver c) gold d) stone
C. Aladin told the big genie to bring
a) some clothes b) some jewels
c) some food d) some money
D. When Aladin saw the genie, he was
a) happy b) angry c) afraid d) crying
E. The genie of the ring was the slave of the
a) lamp b) ring c) magician d) genie
Answer to the question no 01 :
A. c. a genie B. a. brass C. c. some food D. c. afraid E. b. ring
Q. 2 Ask and answer.
a. Who came when Aladin rubbed the ring?
b. Who took Aladin out of the cave?
c. Why did Aladin want to sell the lamp?
d. What happened when Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp?
e. Whose slave was the big genie?
f. What did the big genie carry in a silver tray?
Answer to the question no 02 :
a. When Aladin rubbed the ring, a genie came.
b. The genie of the ring took Aladin out of the cave.
c. Aladin wanted to sell the lamp to get money to buy food.
d. When Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp, a big genie came.
e. The big genie was the slave of the holder of the lamp.
f. The big genie carried two silver plates, two silver cups, twelve silver dishes full of nice food in a silver tray.
3. Fill in the blanks.
(a) When Aladin rubbed the ring, a — came.
(b) Aladin asked his mother to sell the —.
(c) The big genie was the genie of the —.
(d) ‘I obey him who holds it’, said the —.
(e) The big genie came back with a silver tray on his —.
Answer to the question no 03:
(a) When Aladin rubbed the ring, a genie came.
(b) Aladin asked his mother to sell the lamp.
(c) The big genie was the genie of the lamp.
(d) ‘I obey him who holds it’, said the big genie.
(e) The big genie came back with a silver tray on his head.
4. Make sentences using the following words.
Tailor, Support, Stranger, Earn, Living, Magician, Narrow, Valley, flame, staircase, downstairs, vases, full, cave, slave, genie, rub.
Answer to the question no 04:
Tailor = Aladin’s father was a tailor.
Support = Aladin’s mother supported her family by spinning cotton.
Stranger = The stranger was a magician.
Earn = She earned living by spinning cotton.
Living = She earned living by spinning cotton.
Magician = The stranger was a magician.
Narrow = The road was very narrow.
Valley = Aladin went to a valley.
Flame = They saw flame inside the cave.
Staircase = Aladin used staircase to go inside the cave.
Downstair = Aladin went downstair.
Vases = There were many flower vases inside the cave.
Full = The plate was full of food.
Cave = The genie took Aladin out of the cave.
Slave = The big genie was the slave of the holder of the lamp.
Genie = The genie was very helpful.
Rub = Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp.
5. Make sentences using the following table.
(a) Aladin (i) was no answer.
(b) It was (ii) the magician.
(c) He called (iii) began to pray.
(d) There (iv) the genie.
(e) He (v) his mother.
(vi) dark inside the cave.
(vii) was alone.
Answer to the question no 05:
1. Aladin was alone. 2. It was dark inside the cave.
3. He called the magician. 4. There was no answer.
5. He began to pray.

6. Match the words with their similar meaning.
Alone Polish
Dark Shake
Answer Beg
Afraid Only
Pray Famished
Obey Disappear
Tremble Abide by
Hungry Reply
Rub Murky
Vanish Scared

Answer to the question no 06:
Alone Only
Dark Murky
Answer Reply
Afraid Scared
Pray Beg
Obey Abide by
Tremble Shake
Hungry Famished
Rub Polish
Vanish Disappear.

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