
Choose the right answer

Choose the right answer

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আলোচ্যসূচিতে আজ রয়েছে ইংরেজি বিষয়ের ‘Choose the right answer’ নিয়ে আলোচনা।
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions (1-3).

Next day was Lima’s birthday. ‘What would you like to have, Lima, on your birthday?’ mother asked.
‘I would like to have a per bird’, Lima said.
‘What bird would you like?’ asked mother.
‘I think I would like a bird that talks’, Lima answered. Next morning Lima had a bird in a cage. Father got it for her from a bird shop. It was a parrot. It had green feathers and a red beak. ‘It’s beautiful, I’m so happy. Thank you mother. Thank you father’, said Lima. She called her ‘Mimi’. Mimi flew from here to there in the house. She liked to be near Lima. Every morning she had a bath. She jumped into the tub. Her wings got wet. Then she hopped onto the bar of the cage. Mother put her food in the cage. But she liked to have it with Lima. She talked to her a lot. Mimi was learning to talk. She called Lima by name. They put her into the cage when they went out. It made her very sad when they did that. She made a lot of noise when they came back. Lima was very fond of her.

1. Choose the right answer (Competency based)
(a) When was Lima’s birthday?
i. the previous day ii. next day iii. that day iv. never
(b) Whom did Lima thank?
i. her father ii. her mother iii. both father and mother iv. her siblings
(c) What type of bird did Lima want to have?
i. that flies ii. that talks iii. sings iv. than dances
(d) Mimi’s feather was —
i. red ii. green iii. black iv. black and white
(e) Who bought the pet for Lima.
i. Lima’s mother ii. Lima’s father
iii. Lima’s parents iv. Lima
(f) Lima had a — in a cage.
i. bird ii. rabbit iii. cat iv. dog
(g) What was Mimi learning?
i. To talk ii. to act iii. to swim iv. to dance
(h) Lima — her pet bird.
i. disliked ii. liked iii. hated iv. teased
(i) Lima — put the bird in a cage.
i. sometimes ii. always iii. never iv. seldom
(j) Lima’s father bought the bird from a — shop.
i. stationary ii. bird iii. animal iv. roadside
(k) Mimi made — noise when Lima and her family came back.
i. no ii. little iii. a lot of iv. loud
(l) The bird was a —.
i. maina ii. parrot iii. munia iv. crow
(m) The bird had a — beak.
i. black ii. yellow iii. red iv. gray
(n) She called Lima by —.
i. day ii. name iii. family name iv. birth
(o) Mimi flew from here to there in the —.
i. cage ii. house iii. tree iv. tub
(p) Every morning she had a —.
i. food ii. gift iii. bath iv. feather
(q) She jumped into the —.
i. bar ii. tub iii. tree iv. cage
(r) Her wings got —.
i. dry ii. wet iii. broken iv. dirt.
(a) — ii. next day (b) — iii. both father and mother (c) — ii. that talks (d) — ii. green
(e) — ii. Lima’s father (f) — i. bird
(g) — i. To talk ii. (h) — ii. liked
(i) — i. sometimes (j) — ii. bird
(k) — a lot of (l) — ii. parrot (m) — iii. red
(n) — ii. name (o) — ii. house (p) — iii. bath (q) — ii. tub. (r) — ii. wet.

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