
ডায়লগ অংশ-৩

ডায়লগ অংশ-৩
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আজ থাকছে ইংরেজি বিষয়ে Dialogue। ইংরেজি বিষয়ে নতুন প্রশ্ন কাঠামো অনুযায়ী ৯ নং প্রশ্নটি থাকবে। ডায়লগ। নম্বর থাকবে ১০।
Read the following situation. Make request dialogue and response. Use ‘would’ or ‘could...
8. You want to get someone’s number.
Ans. Myself: Excuse me, could you give me Habib’s phone number?
Saif: Sorry, I can’t because I don’t have it. You can ask Shahid.
Myself: Would you give me Shahid’s phone number, please?
Saif : Sure. It’s 9662631.
Myself : Thank you.
9. Your brother wants to get something from you.
Ans. Myself: I am going to New Market. Does anyone need anything?
Bahar: Yes, brother. Would you please bring some oranges for me? And if you don’t mind, could you please post this letter?
Myself : Oh, sure.
Bahar : Thank you.
10. You want your teacher to tell you a ghost story.
Ans. Student : Good morning, teacher.
Teacher : Good morning, student.
Student : Would you please tell us a ghost story sir?
Teacher: Of course. But not now, after the class I will tell you a story.
Student : Okay. Sir, We will hear after the class.
Teacher : Thank you. Now, let’s have our lesson.
11. You want to know someone’s age.
Myself : Hello, Arif, how are you?
Arif : I’m fine and you?
Myself : I’m so so. Would you tell me what your present age is?
Arif : Of course. I’m now ten years old.
Myself : Thanks.
12. You want to take some money from your father.
Ans. Myself : Father, would you give me some money, please.
Father : What will you do with the money?
Myself : I want to buy a book.
Father : Oh, sure, How much do you require?
Myself : Only 100 taka.
Father : Take this money.
Myself : Thank you father.
Father : Welcome.

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