
ডায়লগ অংশ-৪

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, ইংরেজি বিষয়ে নতুন প্রশ্ন কাঠামো অনুযায়ী ৯ নং প্রশ্নটি থাকবে ডায়লগ। নম্বর থাকবে ১০।
Read the following situation. Make request dialogue and response. Use ‘would’ or ‘could...
13. You have gone to your neighbour to borrow some money.
Ans. Uncle : How are you, Nayon?
Myself : I’m fine, and you?
Uncle : I’m Ok, do you want to tell me anything?
Myself : Uncle, I’m in a problem. Would you please lend me some money now?
Uncle : What’ll you do with money?
Myself : I would like to buy a book.
Uncle : Ok, Take this. Here is 200 taka.
Myself : Thank you very much. I’ll refund you it soon.
14. You want to go for a walk with your mother.
Myself: Mother, would you go for a walk today in the afternoon?
Mother : Why? Do you have any work?
Myself: Yes mum. I want to buy something and be fresh roaming the open air.
Mother : Ok, then we’ll go. Now, come here and take food.
Myself : Thank you mum.
Mother : Welcome.
15. You want to take a permission from your father to go to the field.
Ans. Myself : Father, I want to go to the field.
Father : Why will you go there?
Myself : A Football competition will be held today and the one team is ours.
Father: Then you may go but after finishing you must come back home without any delay as you are to study.
Myself : Ok. Thank you very much. father.
Father : Welcome.
16. You will tell about a Cinema to your friend.
Ans. Myself : Hi! Chaion. How are you?
Chaion: I’m fine and you?
Myself: I’m also Ok. Have you watched the Cinema Aguner Parashmoni?
Chaion : Not yet. Have you seen it?
Myself: Yeah. It is about our glorious liberation war. I’m sure you’ll enjoy if you watch it.
Chaion : Ok. I’ll try to watch it. Thank you for informing me this.
Myself : Welcome, Now let’s have a tea.

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