
ডায়লগ অংশ-২

Read the following situation. Make request dialogue and response. Use ‘would’ or ‘could...
4. You want to know someone’s birthday.
Myself : Hello, Saif, how are you?
Saif : I’m well. And what about you?
Myself: I am so so. Would you tell me when is your birthday?
Saif : Of course. It is 19th July. I must invite you in my birthday celebration.
Myself : Thank you very much.
Saif : Welcome.
5. You want your father to take you to the book fair.
Ans. Myself : Good morning, father! Could you take me to the book fair?
Father : Good morning Sure, When do you like to go?
Myself : Friday in the evening.
Father :Okay.
Myself : Thank you, Father.
6. You want to talk to youৎ friend oveৎ telephone and leave a message.
Ans. Myself : Hello, I am Mariam. Could I talk to Rifat, please?
Reena: Sorry, he is not at home now.
Myself: Could I leave a Message?
Reena : Yes, of course.
Myself : Would you please tell her to see me tomorrow?
Reena : Ok, I must do that.
Myself : Thank you.
7. You want to know about youৎ meals from a nurse.
Ans. Myself : Nurse, would you please give me a glass of water?
Nurse : Here you are.
Myself: Would you please give me a chocolate from the box? My Uncle brought them for me.
Nurse: I am sorry, dear, You shouldn’t eat anything else today.
Myself: Could you please ask the doctor if I can have it tomorrow?
Nurse : Yes, of course, Wait a bit.
Myself : Thank you.

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