
রাইট ফর্ম অব ভার্বস অংশ-১১

রাইট ফর্ম অব ভার্বস অংশ-১১
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, ইংরেজি বিষয়ে নতুন কাঠামো অনুযায়ী ১০ নং প্রশ্ন থাকবে রাইট ফর্ম অব ভার্বস-এর ওপর। এতে নম্বর থাকবে ৫।
142. It is noon. Some boys — in the river. (swim)
Ans: It is noon. Some boys are swimming in the river.
143. It made her very sad. She — a lot of noise. (make)
Ans: It made her very sad. She made a lot of noise.
144. Why is the cuckoo — a seasonal bird? Because we can see it in a particular season. (call)
Ans: Why is the cuckoo called a seasonal bird? Because we can see it in a paticular season.
145. Shihab is ten years old. He — in a small town. (live)
Ans: Shihab is ten years old. He lives in a small town.
146. It was dark inside the cave. He — the magician. (call)
Ans: It was dark inside the cave. He called the magician.
147. Aladin was afraid. He — to see the genie. (tremble)
Ans: Aladin was afraid. He was trembling to see the genie.
148. Aladin was alone. It — dark inside the cave. (be)
Ans: Aladin was alone. It was dark inside the cave.
149. The stranger was really a magician. He — a plan. (have)
Ans: The stranger was really a magician. He had a plan.
150. I will obey you. What — you —? (want)
Ans: I will obey you. What do you want?
151. He is healthy. He — short hair. (have)
Ans: He is healthy. He has short hair.
152. Today is Eid. I — new dress. (wear)
Ans: Today is Eid. I am wearing new dress.
153. He sat under a big tree to take rest. He — his basket of caps beside him. (put)
Ans: He sat under a big tৎee to take rest. He put his basket of caps beside him.
154. It’s fun when it rains. But we — indoors. (stay)
Ans: It’s fun when it rains. But we have to stay indoors.
155. They went round the zoo for a long time. So they — tired. (become)
Ans: They went round the zoo for a long time. So they became tired.
156. Tanin’s school had a holiday. His uncle — him to the zoo. (take)
Ans: Tanin’s school had a holiday. His uncle took him to the zoo.

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