
Lesson-38: Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp: part-2

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ, ইংরেজি বিষয়ের লেসন-৩৮ Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp: part-2 থেকে প্যাসেজ এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু প্রশ্নোত্তর ধারাবাহিকভাবে আলোচনা করছি।
The stranger was really a magician. He had a plan. Next day he took Aladin far away from the city. They came to a narrow valley. It had mountains on all sides. The magician told Aladin to gather some dry sticks. He then set fire to them. The flame arose. He took out something from his pocket. Then he put it into the fire. He spoke two magic words. They saw a big stone with a brass ring. He told Aladin to hold the ring and lift the stone. They saw a staircase leading to a door. The magician then said, ‘Go downstairs and open the door. You will find big halls. In these halls, there are vases full of gold and silver. Do not touch them. Just go ahead. You will find a garden. There you can see a lamp. Bring me the lamp. Go!’ Aladin did as his uncle told him. In the garden, he saw rich jewels hanging in the trees. Aladin took some and put them in his pocket. He also took the lamp. Soon he came back at the mouth of the cave. The magician was waiting for him. He told Aladin to give him the lamp. But Aladin was tired. So he said, ‘Please, sir, pull me up first. Then I will give you the lamp.’ The magician was very angry. He spoke two magic words and the door of the cave was closed.

Q.1. True or false? If false give the correct answer.
(a) The magician took Aladin inside a cave.
(b) The stranger was actually a wonder worker.
(c) The stone was big.
(d) The magician told Aladin to fetch the lamp for him.
(e) The staircase was leading to a door.
(f) Aladin was always fresh.
(g) The magician used three magic words to open and close the door.
(h) The magician also went inside the cave.
(i) The magician became irritated.
(j) Aladin put nothing in his pocket.

Answer to the question no. 01:
(a) False. Correct answer : He took Aladin to a narrow valley.
(b) True.
(c) True.
(d) True.
(e) True.
(f) False. Correct answer : He became tired.
(g) False. Correct answer : He used two magic words to open and close the door.
(h) False. Correct answer : He was waiting outside the cave.
(i) True.
(j) False. Correct answer : He put some jewels in his pocket.
Q.2. Tick the right answer.
1. One day the magician took Aladin
(a) to a new city (b) to a mountain
(c) to a valley (d) to a lane
2. The stranger was really
(a) a magician. (b) Aladin’s uncle.
(c) Aladin’s brother. (d) a teacher.
3. The brass ring was
(a) in the garden. (b) on the stone.
(c) in the vase. (d) on the garden.
4. Aladin got the lamp
(a) in the garden. (b) in the vase.
(c) hanging in the trees. (d) in a house.
5. The magician closed the door of the cave
(a) with a stone. (b) with dry sticks.
(c) with magic words. (d) with lock.

Answer to the question no. 02:
1.c. to a valley. 2.a. a magician.
3.b. on the stone. 4.a. in the garden.
5.c. with magic words.

Q.3. Ask and answer.
1. Why did the magician take Aladin out of the town?
2. Where did the magician take Aladin?
3. Why did he tell Aladin to gather the dry sticks?
4. Where was the brass ring?
5. Where did Aladin find the lamp?
6. Where did Aladin see the jewels?
7. What did Aladin do with the jewels?
8. Why was the magician angry?
9. What did the magician do when Aladin did not give him
the lamp?
Answer to the question no. 03:
1. The magician took Aladin out of the town to fulfill his plan.
2. He took Aladin to a narrow valley.
3. He told Aladin to gather the dry sticks so that he could cast magic spell.
4. The brass ring was on a stone.
5. He found the lamp in the garden.
6. He saw the jewels hanging in the trees of the garden.
7. Aladin took some and put them in his pocket.
8. The magician told Aladin to give him the lamp. But Aladin was tired and requested the magician to pull him up first from the cave. So the magician became very angry.
9. The magician told Aladin to give him the lamp. But Aladin was tired and requested the magician to pull him up first from the cave. So the magician became very angry. He spoke two magic words and closed the door of the cave.
Q.4. Fill in the blanks.
1. The magician took Aladin far away from the ____.
2. The magician took Aladin to a narrow ____.
3. They saw a big stone with brass ____.
4. The magician sent Aladin to the garden to bring the____.
5. In the garden rich ____ were hanging in the trees.
Answer to the question no. 04 :
1. The magician took Aladin far away from the city.
2. The magician took Aladin to a narrow valley.
3. They saw a big stone with brass ring.
4. The magician sent Aladin to the garden to bring the lamp.
5. In the garden rich jewels were hanging in the trees.

Q.5. Match the words with their similar meaning.
Answer to the question no. 05 :
Next = Following Valley = Dale
Obey Famished Gather Shake
Tremble Disappear Flame Beg
Hungry Murky Jewel Only
Rub Scared Tired Collect
Vanish New arrival Angry Blaze
Stranger Performer Alone Gem
Magician Preparation Dark Fatigued
Plan Following Answer Annoyed
Next Dale Afraid Abide by
Valley Polish Pray Reply

Gather = Collect Obey = Abide by
Tremble = Shake Vanish = Disappear
Stranger = New arrival Magician = Performer
Plan = Preparation Flame = Blaze
Hungry = Famished Rub = Polish
Jewel = Gem Tired = Fatigued
Angry = Annoyed Alone = Only
Dark = Murky Answer = Reply
Afraid = Scared Pray = Beg.
Q.6. Make sentences using the following words.
Genie, Rub, Stranger, Plan, Narrow, Valley, Pocket, Ring, Tailor, Support, Stranger, Earn, Living, Magician, Garden, Spoke, Wait, Angry, Narrow, Valley, Flame, staircase, Downstairs, Vases, Full, Cave, Slave.

Answer to the question no. 06:
Magician = The stranger was a magician.
Narrow = The road was very narrow.
Valley = Aladin went to a valley.
Flame = They saw flame inside the cave.
Staircase = Aladin used staircase to go inside the cave.
Downstairs = Aladin went downstairs.
Vases = There were many flower vases inside the cave.
Full = The plate was full of food.
Cave = The genie took Aladin out of the cave.
Slave = The big genie was the slave of the holder of the lamp.
Genie = The genie was very helpful.
Rub = Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp.
Stranger = The stranger was a good person.
Plan = We should work with good plan.
Narrow = It was a narrow lane.
Valley = The valley was very narrow.
Pocket = Aladin put some jewels in his pocket.
Ring = The ring was very valuable.
Support = Aladin’s mother supported her family by spinning cotton.
Stranger = The stranger was a magician.
Earn = She earned living by spinning cotton.
Living = She earned living by spinning cotton.
Garden = Mr Mahbub has a vegetable garden.
Spoke = He spoke the truth.
Wait = The teacher was waiting for his students.
Angry = The magician became very angry.
Tailor = Aladin’s father was a tailor.

Q.7. Match the opposite words.
Far Near Find miss
Narrow broad Told heard
Took gave Gather scatter
Big small Downstairs upstairs
Tired Fresh Closed opened
Answer to the question no. 07:
Far = near Find = miss
Narrow = broad Told = heard
Took = gave Gather = scatter
Big = small Downstairs = upstairs
Tired = Fresh Closed = opened.

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