
Questions and Answers

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, তোমাদের জন্য ইংরেজি পাঠ্য বই থেকে বিভিন্ন অধ্যায়ের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু নমুনা প্রশ্নোত্তর ধারাবাহিকভাবে আলোচনা করব।
Question: What is Jamila Akhter?
Answer: Jamila Akhter is a shop assistant.
Question: Why does Jamila use rickshaw or baby-taxi in the afternoon?
Answer: In the afternoon, she generally uses rickshaw or baby taxi. She does not like to wait at the bus stop in the mid-day heat. The bus is usually over-crowded at that time.
Question: How does Jamila serve the customers?
Answer: She serves the customers standing all the time.
Question: Why does she like her job?
Answer: She gets opportunity to meet new people everyday. So she likes her job.
Question: Who is Jamila?
Answer: Jamila is a shop assistant who works in a department store.
Question: Where does Jamla’s family live?
Answer: Jamila’s family lives in Chittagong.
Question: When does Jamila go to work by bus?
Answer: Jamila goes to work by bus in the morning.
Question: What time does the second shift start?
Answer: The second shift starts at 3 pm.
Question: When does the second shift finish?
Answer: The second shift finishes at 9 pm.
Question: What kind of work does she do?
Answer: Jamila serves the customer standing all the time.
Question: Why are the students curious?
Answer : The students are curious to know what Ms. Asma Haque has in the box.
Question: Why have the students forgotten about the time?
Answer: The students have forgotten about the time because they are excited.
Question: How could Ms. Haque understand that her students are curious?
Answer: All the students want to know what Ms. Asma Haque has in the box. So she could understand that her students are curious.
Question: Where was the box kept?
Answer : The box was kept near the table.
Question: When will they make the cake?
Answer : They will make the cake next week.
Question: When is Eid-ul-Fitr commemorated?
Answer: After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitr is commemorated.
Question: What is Shihab putting on?
Answer: Shihab is putting on a new payjama and a panjabi.
Question: What are Shihab and Asif doing?
Answer: They are preparing to go to the Eidgah.
Question: How many days has Nafisa fasted?
Answer: Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
Question: Where are Mr. Sajjad Hossain, Shihab and Asif going?
Answer: They are going to Eidgah.
Question: Who has primed special dishes?
Answer: Ms. Fatema Banu has primed special foods.
Question: What are the unique dishes prepared?
Answer: The unique dished prepared are ‘firni’,’jorda’, ‘polao’, ‘korma’, and many other items.
Question: Why has Nafisa come out?
Answer: Nafisa has come out to greet Asif.
Question: What is Shihab’s special dish?
Answer: Shihab’s special dish is ‘firni’.
Question: What is Nafisa’s special dish?
Answer: Her favourite dish is ‘firni’.
Question: Who invited Asif to have food?
Answer: Ms. Fatema Banu invited Asif to have food.
Question: Who is Ms. Fatema Banu?
Answer: Ms. Fatema Banu is Shihab’s mother.
Question: Is Fatema Banu Asif’s maternal aunt?
Answer: No, she is his friend, Shihab’s mother.
Question: Who has fasted for 20 days?
Answer: Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
Question: Who has fasted for 15 days?
Answer: Shihab has fasted for 15 days.
Question: Who has fasted for 17 days?
Answer: Asif has fasted for 17 days.
Question: When will they go to the Eid fair?
Answer: After taking food they will go to Eid fair.
Question: When will the take food?
Answer: They will take food after saying eid prayer.
Question: Who is Nafisa?
Answer: Nafisa is Shihab’s sister.
Question: Why did Mimi made a lot of noise?
Answer: Mimi always wanted Lima’s company. When Lima and her family went out, they put her into the cage. It made her very sad. But when they came back, she made a lot of noise to express her joy.
Question: Did Mimi like to remain in the cage?
Answer: No she didn’t like to remain in the cage.
Question: When did Mimi have her bath?
Answer: Mimi had her bath every morning.
Question: Where did Lima’s father get the bird?
Answer: Lima’s father got the bird from a bird shop. He bought it for Lima.
Question: What made Lima tremendously happy?
Answer: Possession of a beautiful pet bird made Lima tremendously happy.
Question: Where did Mimi have her bath?
Answer: Mimi had her bath in a tub.
Question: Where was the bird kept?
Answer: The bird was kept in a cage.
Question: How did Mimi’s wings get wet?
Answer: Mimi jumped into the tub. So her wings got wet.
Question: What made Mimi unhappy?
Answer: Mimi always wanted Lima’s company. When Lima and her family went out, they put her into the cage. It made her very unhappy.
Question: How did Mimi express its joy?
Answer: Mimi expressed its joy by making a lot of noise.
Question: What did Lima’s have on her birthday?
Answer: Lima had a pet bird on her birthday.
Question: What did Lima call her pet?
Answer: Lima called her pet ‘Mimi’.
Question: What kind of bird did Lima like?
Answer: Lima liked the bird that could talk.
Question: Why was Mimi upset when Lima and her family went out?
Answer: Mimi always wanted Lima’s company. When Lima and her family went out, they put her into the cage. It made her very upset.
Question: What did Mimi do when Lima and her family came back?
Answer: Mimi always wanted Lima’s company. When Lima and her family went out, they put her into the cage. It made her very sad. But when they came back, she made a lot of noise to express her joy.
Question: Where did Mr. Hafizuddin take Shihab?
Answer: Mr Hafizuddin took Shihab to different places.
Question: What did he want to let him see ?
Answer: He wanted to let him see the Mohakhali flyover.
Question: What is flyover?
Answer: A flyover is a road built on pillars over another road.
Question: What did Shihab think before seeing the flyover?
Answer: Before seeing the flyover, he thought that a flyover is a place from where people can fly.
Question: What did Shihab think after seeing the flyover?
Answer: After seeing the flyover, he thought that a flyover is a bridge over a road.
Question: Why do big and busy cities need flyover?
Answer: Big and busy cities need flyover to avoid traffic jam.
Question: How can people save time?
Answer: Going through a flyover, people can save time.
Question: How many flyovers are there in Bangladesh?
Answer: There are two flyovers in Bangladesh.
Question: How many flyovers are there in Dhaka?
Answer: There are two flyovers in Dhaka.
Question: What is the length of the Mohakhali flyover?
Answer: The length of the flyover is 1.8 km.
Question: What is the width of the Mohakhali flyover?
Answer: The width of the flyover is 14.63 meters excluding the sidewalks.
Question: How many pillars support the Mohakhali flyover?
Answer: 51 pillars support the flyover.
Question: How many cars can ply on the flyover at a time?
Answer: Four cars can ply on the flyover at a time.
Question: What is the height of the flyover from the ground?
Answer: The height of the flyover is 7 meter from the ground.
Question: Who is Hafizuddin?
Answer: Hafizuddin is Shihab’s uncle.
Question: Who is Shihab?
Answer: Shihab is Mr. Hafizuddin’s nephew.
Question: What is the name of the company that constructed Mohakhali flyover?
Answer: A Chinese Company constructed Mohakhali flyover.
Question: What happens in Dhaka during school and office time?
Answer: During office and school time, there is a long queue of traffic in Dhaka causing traffic jam.
Question: When did Altaf become close with Murad?
Answer: After going to his new school, Murad became intimate with Altaf.
Question: What is a riddle?
Answer: Riddle is a confusing question with a clever answer.
Question: Is Murad in a happy mood in his new school?
Answer: Yes, he is so.
Question: Who is Kiron?
Answer: Kiron is Murad’s friend.
Question: What was the expenditure for making the flyover?
Answer: About 136 crore taka was the expenditure for making the flyover.
Question: Why does Murad call Altaf a witty person?
Answer: He can tell jokes and riddles. So Murad calls him a witty person.
Question: Who is the writer of the letter?
Answer: Murad is the writer of the letter.
Question: Who is the recipient of the letter?
Answer: Kiron is the recipient of the letter.
Question: Who is Altaf?
Answer: Altaf is Murad’s new friend.
Question: Where did Murad went with Altaf?
Answer: He went to a book store in the town with Altaf. They also visited the public library.
Question: How does a parrot look?
Answer: A parrot looks beautiful with a red beak and a long tail.
Question: Are the birds happy in cages?
Answer: No, the birds are not happy in cages.
Question: Why do we call the kingfisher a common bird?
Answer: We call the kingfisher a common bird because we can see them often.
Question: Which birds live in our houses?
Answer: Sparrows, and sometimes parrots and mainas live in our houses.
Question: Why the cuckoo is called a seasonal bird?
Answer: The cuckoo is called a seasonal bird because we can see it only in a particular season. We can see it in the spring season.
Question: Name some common birds of Bangladesh.
Answer: The crow, the sparrow, the doel, the shalik, the kingfisher etc are the common birds of Bangladesh.
Question: Do you like birds?
Answer: Yes, we do.
Question: What can the students see in the picture?
Answer: The students can see many birds in the picture.
Question: How could Rima recognize the parrot?
Answer: Observing the red beak and the long tail Rima recognized the parrot.
Question: Do sparrows live in your houses as pet?
Answer: No they do not live in our houses as pet. They live as intruder.
Question: What was unbelievable to the cap-seller?
Answer: It was unbelievable to the cap-seller that monkeys were wearing his caps.
Question: What did the man remember?
Answer: He remembered that monkeys like to imitate.
Question: What do the monkeys like to do?
Answer: The monkeys like to imitate.
Question: How did the man avail of the chance?
Answer: He collected the caps and left the place quickly. Thus he made the best use of his opportunity.
Question: What did the man do before napping?
Answer: He put the basket of caps beside him before napping.
Question: Who was passing through a village?
Answer: A man was passing through a village.
Question: What did the man sell?
Answer: He sold caps to the villagers.
Question: Where did the man sit to take rest?
Answer: He sat under a tree to take rest.
Question: Why did the man feel very worn-out?
Answer: He walked for miles. So he felt worn-out.
Question: Where were the monkeys?
Answer: The monkeys were in the tree.
Question: What did the monkeys come across?
Answer: The monkeys came across a basket of caps.
Question: Why could not he believe his eyes?
Answer: He found that the monkeys were wearing his caps. He never thought so. So he could not believe his eyes.
Question: Who became very worried?
Answer: The cap-seller became very worried.
Question: What did the cap-seller bear in mind?
Answer: He bore in mind that monkeys like to imitate.
Question: What did the cap-seller do to get back his caps from the monkeys?
Answer: He threw his caps on the ground to get back his own caps.
Question: What did the man find after waking up?
Answer: After waking up, he found his caps missing.
Question: Why was the cap-seller taken aback?
Answer: The cap-seller was taken aback finding no caps after getting up from sleep.
Question: Why did the man look up?
Answer: He looked up to see who made the sound.
Question: Why did the man leave the place swiftly?
Answer: He hurriedly left the place to get rid of the monkeys.
Question: Which floors are the libraries on?
Answer: The libraries are on the sevenths, eighths and ninths floors.
Question: What did Shihab ask his uncle?
Answer: He asked his uncle who lived on so many floors.
Question: What was the reply of Mr. Hafizuddin to Shihab’s question?
Answer: The reply was that there were shops and offices and some apartments on different floors.
Question: Could Shihab count the floors?
Answer: Yes he could.
Question: What surprised Shihab?
Answer: Appearance of so many tall buildings surprised Shihab

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