প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনীর প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি
পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন নং-5 (or) নম্বর
১´৫ = ৫। পাঠ্যবই থেকে ৭টি শব্দ দেওয়া থাকবে, ৫টি দ্বারা বাক্য রচনা করতে হবে। এ অংশে ভাল করার জন্য এ ধরনের শব্দ গুলো বাসায় চর্চা করো।
Attractive (আকর্ষণীয়/চিত্তাকর্ষক): The Sundarbans, Rangamati and Cox’s Bazar are very attractive places.
A narrow valley (একটি সংকীর্ণ উপত্যকা): He was going through a narrow valley.
Breath (শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস/নিঃশ্বাস): He took a deep breath.
Bring (আনা): Bring the pen.
Bridge (সেতু): Shihab asked his uncle why they had built a bridge over a road.
Cage (খাঁচা): Birds live in the cages.
Capital (রাজধানী): Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
Cave (গুহা): The genie of the ring took Aladin out of the cave.
Complaint (অভিযোগ/পীড়া/যন্ত্রণা): What is your complaint?
Common (সাধারণ): There are many common birds in Bangladesh.
Community (সম্প্রদায়): People of different communities live in Bangladesh.
Constructed (নির্মাণ করেছিল): He constructed the building.
Curious (উত্সুক/কৌতূহল): She is very curious about this matter.
Come forward (সামনে এগিয়ে আসা): Mita, Munir, Asif, Banu and Reba come forward to help their teacher.
Cough (সর্দি): Sabera has also a bad cough.
Collect (সংগ্রহ করা): The cap-seller collected the caps from the ground.
Celebrated (উত্যাপিত): After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitre is celebrated.
Cave (গুহা): In a cave Andracles hid himself.
Department store (রকমারি দোকান/খুব বড় দোকান): She works in shifts in a department store in Chittagong.
Daughter (কন্যা): Hasina Begum’s daughter Sabera is ill.
Deep (গভীর/দীর্ঘ): Doctor orders Sabera to take deep breath.
Different (ভিন্ন ভিন্ন): People from different communities live in Bangladesh in peace.
Dish (খাবার): Banu has prepared many special dishes for Eid.
Dictionary (অভিধান): I have a dictionary of English to Bengali.
Downstairs (নিম্নসিঁড়ি): He got down towards the downstairs.
Embraced (কোলাকুলি করল): They embraced each other after the prayer.
Excited (উত্তেজিত): The students are excited.
Excitedly (উত্তেজিতভাবে): All the students entered the room excitedly.
Everywhere (সর্বত্র): We see crow everywhere.
Eid prayer (ঈদের নামাজ): The boys will go to Eidgah for Eid Prayer.
Eid fair (ঈদের মেলা): We will go to Eid fair.
Excluding (বহির্ভূত): The width of Mohakhali flyover is 14.63 excluding the side walk.
Familiar (পরিচিত): He is familiar to us.
Fasting (রোজা রাখা): After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitre is celebrated.
Favourite (প্রিয়): Nazrul Islam is my favourite poet.
Feathers (পালক): Parrot’s feathers are green.
Finish (শেষ করা/সমাপ্তি হওয়া): He finished the work.
Forget (ভুলে যাওয়া): Don’t forget to write the date.
Faver (জ্বর/জ্বরে ভোগা): Sabera is suffering from cold and fever.
Friendly (বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ): Murad’s new school is a friendly place.
Fond of (পছন্দ করা): Lima was very fond of her parrot.
Flyover (উড়াল সেতু): Shihab’s uncle took him to see the Mohakhali flyover.
Flame (অগ্নিশিখা): From Aladin’s lamp, there came out a heap of flame.
Full of (পরিপূর্ণ): The river was full of water.
Genie (দৈত্য): The big genie came back with a silver tray.
Greet (অভ্যর্থনা জানানো/অভিবাদন): Nafiza comes out to greet Shahana.
Get well (সুস্থ হয়ে ওঠা): Bashir’s aunt will get well soon.
Green feathers (সবুজ পালক): Lima’s Parrot had green feathers.
Got down (নেমে আসল): They got down from the bus at a bus stop.
Generally (সাধারণত): We generally fond of rice and pulse.
Hospital (হাসপাতাল/চিকিত্সালয়): She is going to hosptial.
Helpful (সহায়ক): Altaf is always friendly and helpful to Murad.
Had a bath (গোসল করতে): Every morning Lima’s parrot had a bath.
Hopped (আশা করেছিল): Lima’s parrot hopped into the bar of the cage
পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন নং-5 (or) নম্বর
১´৫ = ৫। পাঠ্যবই থেকে ৭টি শব্দ দেওয়া থাকবে, ৫টি দ্বারা বাক্য রচনা করতে হবে। এ অংশে ভাল করার জন্য এ ধরনের শব্দ গুলো বাসায় চর্চা করো।
Attractive (আকর্ষণীয়/চিত্তাকর্ষক): The Sundarbans, Rangamati and Cox’s Bazar are very attractive places.
A narrow valley (একটি সংকীর্ণ উপত্যকা): He was going through a narrow valley.
Breath (শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস/নিঃশ্বাস): He took a deep breath.
Bring (আনা): Bring the pen.
Bridge (সেতু): Shihab asked his uncle why they had built a bridge over a road.
Cage (খাঁচা): Birds live in the cages.
Capital (রাজধানী): Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
Cave (গুহা): The genie of the ring took Aladin out of the cave.
Complaint (অভিযোগ/পীড়া/যন্ত্রণা): What is your complaint?
Common (সাধারণ): There are many common birds in Bangladesh.
Community (সম্প্রদায়): People of different communities live in Bangladesh.
Constructed (নির্মাণ করেছিল): He constructed the building.
Curious (উত্সুক/কৌতূহল): She is very curious about this matter.
Come forward (সামনে এগিয়ে আসা): Mita, Munir, Asif, Banu and Reba come forward to help their teacher.
Cough (সর্দি): Sabera has also a bad cough.
Collect (সংগ্রহ করা): The cap-seller collected the caps from the ground.
Celebrated (উত্যাপিত): After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitre is celebrated.
Cave (গুহা): In a cave Andracles hid himself.
Department store (রকমারি দোকান/খুব বড় দোকান): She works in shifts in a department store in Chittagong.
Daughter (কন্যা): Hasina Begum’s daughter Sabera is ill.
Deep (গভীর/দীর্ঘ): Doctor orders Sabera to take deep breath.
Different (ভিন্ন ভিন্ন): People from different communities live in Bangladesh in peace.
Dish (খাবার): Banu has prepared many special dishes for Eid.
Dictionary (অভিধান): I have a dictionary of English to Bengali.
Downstairs (নিম্নসিঁড়ি): He got down towards the downstairs.
Embraced (কোলাকুলি করল): They embraced each other after the prayer.
Excited (উত্তেজিত): The students are excited.
Excitedly (উত্তেজিতভাবে): All the students entered the room excitedly.
Everywhere (সর্বত্র): We see crow everywhere.
Eid prayer (ঈদের নামাজ): The boys will go to Eidgah for Eid Prayer.
Eid fair (ঈদের মেলা): We will go to Eid fair.
Excluding (বহির্ভূত): The width of Mohakhali flyover is 14.63 excluding the side walk.
Familiar (পরিচিত): He is familiar to us.
Fasting (রোজা রাখা): After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitre is celebrated.
Favourite (প্রিয়): Nazrul Islam is my favourite poet.
Feathers (পালক): Parrot’s feathers are green.
Finish (শেষ করা/সমাপ্তি হওয়া): He finished the work.
Forget (ভুলে যাওয়া): Don’t forget to write the date.
Faver (জ্বর/জ্বরে ভোগা): Sabera is suffering from cold and fever.
Friendly (বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ): Murad’s new school is a friendly place.
Fond of (পছন্দ করা): Lima was very fond of her parrot.
Flyover (উড়াল সেতু): Shihab’s uncle took him to see the Mohakhali flyover.
Flame (অগ্নিশিখা): From Aladin’s lamp, there came out a heap of flame.
Full of (পরিপূর্ণ): The river was full of water.
Genie (দৈত্য): The big genie came back with a silver tray.
Greet (অভ্যর্থনা জানানো/অভিবাদন): Nafiza comes out to greet Shahana.
Get well (সুস্থ হয়ে ওঠা): Bashir’s aunt will get well soon.
Green feathers (সবুজ পালক): Lima’s Parrot had green feathers.
Got down (নেমে আসল): They got down from the bus at a bus stop.
Generally (সাধারণত): We generally fond of rice and pulse.
Hospital (হাসপাতাল/চিকিত্সালয়): She is going to hosptial.
Helpful (সহায়ক): Altaf is always friendly and helpful to Murad.
Had a bath (গোসল করতে): Every morning Lima’s parrot had a bath.
Hopped (আশা করেছিল): Lima’s parrot hopped into the bar of the cage
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