
Lesson-25  Eid Day

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ, আজ ইংরেজি বিষয়ের Eid day থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করছি।
After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated. Today is Eid. Shihab is wearing new payjamas and a panjabi. Asif has come to Shihab’s house. The boys will go to Eidgah for Eid prayer. Asif is also wearing new clothes. The boys are happy. Shihab has fasted for 15 days and Asif for 17 days. Shihab’s sister Nafisa has fasted for 20 days. Nafisa has come out to greet Asif. The children say, ‘Eid-Mubarak’ to each other. Nafisa is wearing a red frock. She looks happy too. Shihab’s mother Ms. Fatema Banu has prepared many special dishes for Eid. She has made ‘firni’, ‘jarda’, ‘polao’, ‘korma’ and many other items. Shihab and Nafisa’s favorite dish is ‘firni’. Shihab’s father Mr. Sajjad Hossain is going to Eidgah too. “Asif, come to our house after prayer. All of us will have food together,” says Ms. Fatema Banu. “Thank you, I’ll come and eat with you. After that we will go to the Eid Fair,” says Asif. Mr. Sajjad Hossain smiles and says,” Okay boys, let’s go to say our prayers.” After the prayer they embraced each other.
1. Fill in the gaps.
(a) Shihab is putting on new —.
(b) Shihab has fasted for —.
(c) Nafisa has fasted for —.
(d) Aisf has come to — residence.
(e) Asif is also — new outfit.
(f) Shihab’s — Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
(g) Nafisa is — sister.
(h) The children say — to each other.
(i) Ms. Fatema Banu has prepared many —dishes on the occasion of Eid.
(j) Mr. Sajjad Hossain is — going to the Eidgah.
(k) Nafisa is not — sister.
(l) After a month’s — Eid is observed.
(m) Nafisa is — a red frock.
(n) Nafisa looks —.
(o) After Eid there will be Eid —.
(p) Asif and Shihab — happy.
(q) Ms. Fatema Banu is — mother.
(r) After the — they enfold each other.
(s) Shihab and Nafisa’s desired dish is—.
Answer to the question no 01:
(a) Shihab is putting on new payjamas and panjabi.
(b) Shihab has fasted for 15 days.
(c) Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
(d) Aisf has come to Shihab’s residence.
(e) Asif is also wearing new outfit.
(f) Shihab’s sister Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
(g) Nafisa is Shihab’s sister.
(h) The children say ‘Eid-Mubarak’ to each other.
(i) Ms. Fatema Banu has prepared many special dishes on the occasion of Eid.
(j) Mr. Sajjad Hossain is also going to the Eidgah.
(k) Nafisa is not Asif’s sister.
(l) After a month’s fasting Eid is observed.
(m) Nafisa is wearing a red frock.
(n) Nafisa looks happy.
(o) After Eid there will be Eid Fair.
(p) Asif and Shihab are happy.
(q) Ms. Fatema Banu is Shihab’s mother.
(r) After the prayer they enfold each other.
(s) Shihab and Nafisa’s desired dish is ‘firni’.
2. Choose the best answer given in the brackets.
(a) Shihab is wearing a new—.(Payjama and a panjabi/lungi and a panjabi/payjama and a shirt)
(b) Shihab has fasted for—.(7 days/14 days /15 days).
(c) Asif has fasted for —.(15 days/17 days/30 days).
(d) Nafisa has fasted for —.(15 days/17 days/20 days).
(e) Nafisa is wearing a —.(Red frock/blue frock/white frock)
(f) —is Shihab’s mother.(Ms. Fatema Banu/Ms. Nafisa Banu/Ms. Asma Banu)
(g) Nafisa’s favourite —is firni.(dish/dishes/food)
(h) Shihab’s —dish is firni.(favorite/not liking/liked).
(i) After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitr is—(observed/ hold/ done).
(j) Asif is also wearing —clothes.(new/ancient/old)
(k) Shihab is also wearing —clothes.(new/ancient/old)
(l) Asif is also wearing — clothes.(new/ancient/old)
(m) Nafisa is wearing—(a red frock/a black frock/a white sari)
Answer to the question no. 02:
(a) Payjama and a panjabi (h) favorite
(b) 15 days (i) observed
(c) 17 days (j) new
(d) 20 days (k) new
(e) red frock (l) also
(f) Ms. Fatema Banu (m) a red frock
(g) dish

3. Write whether the following sentences are true or false. If false, give the correct information.
(a) After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated.
(b) Shihab has come to Asif’s house.
(c) The boys will only go to the Eid fair.
(d) Sajjad Hossain is Asif’s father.
(e) After prayer Asif will come to Shiha’b house again.
(f) The boys are in a joyous mood.
(g) Shihab and Asif have fasted for 15 days.
(h) Shihab’s mother told Asif to come to their house after Eid fair.
(i) Nafisa will go to Eid fair.
(j) Nafisa has come to hail Asif.
(k) After eating the food they will go to the Eid fair.
(l) Sajjad Hossain is Asif’s father.
(m) Nafisa fasted more days than Shihab.
(n) Asif fasted more days than Nafisa.
(o) Shihab’s mother will go to the Eid fair too.
(p) Asif’s maternal aunt is Ms. Fatema Banu.
(q) Shihab’s mother greeted Asif.
(r) Asif’s mother invited Shihab to have food.
(s) Ms Banu is a nice cook.
 Asnwer to the question no 03 :
(a) Ans :True.
(b) Ans : False. Correct answer-Asif has come to SHiha’s house.
(c) Ans : False. Coorect answer-They will go the Eid fair too.
(d) Ans : False. Correct answer-Shihab’s father will also go to the Eid fair.
(e) Ans :True.
(f) Ans : True.
(g) Ans : False. Correct answer-Shihab has fasted for 15 days. Asif has fasted for 17 dyas.
(h) Ans : False. Correct answer- Shihab’s mother told Asif to come to their house after Eid prayer.
(i) Ans : False. Correct answer- She will remain at home.
(j) Ans : True.
(k) Ans : True.
(l) Ans : False. Correct answer- Sajjad Hossain is Shihab’s father.
(m) Ans : True.
(n) Ans : False. Correct answer-Nafisa fasted more than Asif.
(o) Ans : False. Correct answer-She will stay at home.
(p) Ans : False. Correct answer- She is Sihab’s mother.
(q) Ans : False. Correct answer- Shihab’s sister Nafisa greeted Asif.
(r) Ans : True
(s) Ans : True

4. Answer the following questions.
(a) When is Eid-ul-Fitr held?
(b) What is Shihab putting on?
(c) What are Shihab and Asif doing?
(d) How many days has Nafisa fasted?
(e) Where are Mr. Sajjad Hossain, Shihab and Asif doing?
(f) Who has made special dishes?
(g) What are the unique dishes prepared?
(h) Why has Nafisa come out?
(i) What is Shihab’s special dish?
(j) What is Nafisa’s special dish?
(k) Who invited Asif to have food?
(l) Who is Ms. Fatema Banu?
(m) Is Fatema Banu Asif’s maternal aunt?
(n) Who has fasted for 20 days?
(o) Who has fasted for 15 days?
(p) Who has fasted for 17 days?
(q) When will they go to the Eid fair?
(r) When will the take food?
(s) Who is Nafisa?
Answer to the question no 04 :
(a) After a month’s fasting Eid-el-Fitr is commemorated.
(b) Shihab is putting on a new payjama and a panjabi.
(c) They are preparing to go to the Eidgah.
(d) Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
(e) They are going to Eidgah.
(f) Ms. Fatema Banu has primed special foods.
(g) The unique dished prepared are ‘firni’, ‘jorda’, ‘polao’, ‘korma’, and many other items.
(h) Nafisa has come out to greet Asif.
(i) Shihab’s special dish is ‘firni’.
(j) Her favorite dish is ‘firni’.
(k) Ms. Fatema Banu invited Asif to have food.
(l) Ms. Fatema Banu is Shihab’s mother.
(m) No, she is his friend Shihab’s mother.
(n) Nafisa has fasted for 20 days.
(o) Shihab has fasted for 15 days.
(p) Asif has fasted for 17 days.
(q) After taking food they will go to Eid fair.
(r) They will take food after saying Eid prayer.
(s) Nafisa is Shihab’s sister.
5. Make sentences using the following words.
Fast, eid, wear, come, prayer, new, happy, greet, frock, prepare, favorite,
Answer to the Question no 5 :
Fast—After a month’s fasting Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated.
Eid—Today is Eid.
Wear—Shihab is wearing new payjamas and a panjabi.
Come—Asif has come to Shihab’s house.
Prayer—The boys will go to Eidgah for Eid prayer.
New—Asif is also wearing new clothes.
Happy—The boys are happy.
Greet—Nafisa has come out to greet Asif.
Frock—Nafisa is wearing a red frock.
Prepare—Ms. Fatema Banu has prepared many special dishes for Eid.
Favorite—Shihab and Nafisa’s favorite dish is ‘firni’.
6. Use capital letter and punctuation marks where necessary.
shihabs father Mr. Sajjad hossain is going to Eidgah too Asif come to our house after prayer all of us will have food together says Ms. fatema banu thank you ill come and eat with you after that we will go to the Eid fair says Asif Mr. Sajjad Hossain smiles and says okay boys, let’s go to say our prayers after the prayer they embraced each other
Answer to the question no 6 :
Shihab’s father Mr. Sajjad Hossain is going to Eidgah too. “Asif, come to our house after prayer. All of us will have food together,” says Ms. Fatema Banu. “Thank you, I’ll come and eat with you. After that we will go to the Eid Fair,” says Asif. Mr. Sajjad Hossain smiles and says,” Okay boys, let’s go to say our prayers.” After the prayer they embraced each other. 

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