
The Night to Remember

The Night to Remember 

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী,আলোচ্যসূচিতে আজ রয়েছে ইংরেজি থেকে The Night to Remember আলোচনা।
Adnan is a student. He lives with his parents. His grandmother also lives with them. Once his grandmother fell ill. His father took her to the hospital. The school was over. Adnan came from school and went to the hospital to see her. Adnan left the hospital for home. Then it was almost midnight. There was no transport on the road. His house was not very far. So he was walking home. He was all alone. There was silence all around. He felt that someone was following him. He was afraid even to look back. But when he stopped he heard no sound. As soon as he walked faster, the sound became louder. Adnan than began to run to get rid of the sound. The sound too ran after him. ‘Who is it?’ shouted Adnan. ‘Why are you following me?’ But there was no reply. Now he stopped and decided to see who it was. He looked behind but saw none. The sight of an imaginary ghost made him nervous. He thought the shades of trees and electric poles were ghosts. ‘Help, help’ he tried to shout. But no sound came from his mouth. He was sweating and trembling. All the time he kept praying. He thought somebody was telling him, ‘No, there is no ghost. Don’t be afraid. Go straight.’ So, he tried to forget the idea of an imaginary ghost. He tried to proceed towards his home. But his heart was beating fast. Adnan imagined that the ghost following him cut off electricity. He walked fast and reached home very soon. He found his home in total darkness. Adnan reached home and shouted, ‘Mother! Mother!! Come out with a light,’ His mother came out with a candle in her hand. She saw him trembling and sweating. She was alarmed to see his condition. She took him in her arms. She said, ‘Dear, what happened to you? Why do you look so nervous?’ Her son told her everything. She saw a small piece of wood stuck with a nail to his left shoe. She said to Adnan. ‘What is this? Why is it stuck to your shoe?’ Then Adnan realized that this piece of wood made the sound of the footsteps. He felt relieved. He realized that nobody nor any ghost followed him. Now, he felt that there is no ghost. His mother understood that Adnan’s fear of a ghost made him so nervous. This incident was a memorable event in his life.
Q.1. Choose the best answer (competency based)
(a) Adnan and his parents live in-
i. the same house. ii. different areas.
iii. a flat. iv. city area
(b) Adnan went to see his ailing grandmother.
i. near the hospital. ii. to the hospital.
iii. to the doctor. iv. to his friend.
(c) When did Adnan return home from hospital? He returned home.
i. after school hour. ii. in the morning.
iii. late at night. iv. after midnight.
(d) What did he think when he had heard some sound? He thought.
i. to beat the person following him.
ii. somebody was following him. iii. his father sent somebody to help him. iv. a ghost was coming.
(e) Adnan started running ‘to get rid of’ the sound. Here ‘to get rid of’ means:
i. to get a ride. ii. to be free from.
iii. to hear the sound iv. to free something
(f) What is Adnan?
i. student ii. teacher iii. ghost iv. ill
(g) When did Adnan leave hospital for home?
i. at midnight ii. almost at midnight
iii. at the end of night iv. at nightfall
(h) Who understood that Adnan’s fear of a ghost made him so nervous?
i. Adnan ii. his grandmother
iii. a ghost iv. Adnan’s mother
(i) The sight of — ghost made him nervous.
i. a real ii. an original iii. an imaginary iv. a big
(j) With what did Adnan’s mother come out?
i. torch ii. light iii. candle iv. stick
Answer to the question no 01:
a. i. the same house.
b. ii. to the hospital.
c. iii. late at night.
d. ii. somebody was following him.
e. ii. to be free from.
f. i. student
g. ii. almost at midnight
h. iv. Adnan’s mother
i. iii. an imaginary j. iii. candle.

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