
Dialogue (সংলাপ/কথোপকথন)

1. you want to go to a book fair with some of your friends.

Myself : Hello, Tipo what are you doing here?
Tipo : I am looking for my friends.
Myself : Why? Are you going somewhere?
Tipo : Yes, we will go to the book fair. would you like to come with us?
Myself : No, thanks. I am busy. I can go tomorrow.
Tipo : Okay. We’ll also go tomorrow
Myself : Thank you very much.
Tipo : You are most Welcome.

2.you want to borrow your friend’s bicycle.

Fahim : Hello, Shafine. how are you?
Shafine : I am fine. But you look bit Worried.
Fahim : You are right, I need a bicycle
Shafine: No problem, my friend. you can take my bicycle.
Fahim : Thanks a lot. But Where is your bicycle?
Shafine : Please, wait for some time. My brother has taken it. He Will come soon.
Fahim : You are my best friend. I shall be grateful to you.
Shafine: Mention not.

3.You want to know where the bus station is .

Myself : Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station?
Stranger : Yes, go up to the end of this foad and then turn left. The bus station is on the left.
Myself : Thanks a lot.
Stranger :Welcome.
4.You Want to talk to your friend over telephon and leave a message.

Myself : Hello, I am Msriam. Could I talk to Rifat, Please?
Rina : Sorry, he is not at home now.

Myself : Could I leave a massage?
Rina : Yes, of Course.
Myself : Would you Please tell her to see me tomorrow?
Rina : Ok, I must do that.
Myself: Thank you.
Rina : It is my Pleasure.

5. You want to know about your meals form a nurse.

Myself: Nurse, would you please give me a glass of water?
Nurse: Here you are.
Myself: Would you please give me a chocolate from the box? My Uncle brought them for me.

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