
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ paragraph চর্চা করো : ইংরেজি

আজ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কয়েকটি  paragraph  দেয়া হলো:
A Doctor

A Doctor is a well-known figure. He holds a unique position in the society. He is loved and respected by all. A Doctor is a qualified man. As a job Doctor is a noble profession. The service of a doctor is very important and essential for the society. By looking after the sick and the wounded persons a doctor performs one of the most important and essential services for humanity. When a sick or wounded person comes to a hospital, Doctor looks after him carefully. Once the job of Doctor was looked upon with hatred. But with the advancement of modern science and technology the narrow outlook has undergone a radical change. Now nobody neglects this profession. However, if anybody wants to be a doctor he or she will have to complete the training of four years M.B.B.S course successfully. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. He saves the poor peoples life from immature death.

A farmer

A farmer is he who earns his living by farming. Generally, a farmer lives in a village. In our country a farmer is usually poor. Most often he has no land of his own. So, he cultivates the land of others. He leads a very poor life. He does not get enough food to eat. Sometimes he has a little land. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his land. He works hard on his land from dawn to dusk. Even he works in rain or sun. During harvest he is on his land till late hour at night. He works very hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing seeds. Most often a farmer is illiterate. He cannot apply the scientific method of cultivation on his land. The lot of a farmer depends on the whim of nature. Sometimes crops fail due to natural calamities like droughts and floods. Then the misery of a farmer beggars description. The driving force of our economy is agriculture. So his contribution to our national economy is great. I like the work of a farmer very much. The government should do something to improve the condition of a farmer.

My Favourite Game

Everybody loves to play. I also like games and sports. The name of my favourite game is cricket. I like to play and watch cricket very much. Now it is a common and popular game in Bangladesh. The game is played between two teams of eleven players on each side. This game is seen to play even in the village. This game teaches us discipline and unity. It keeps our body fit and ensure the refreshment of mind. By this game every part of the world knows Bangladesh and Bangladesh cricket has already reached the top of the world cricket. I want to be a good cricketer in future. I play it with my friends in the afternoon. This game is always full of thrills and excitement.
My Grandmother
My Grandmother is a very old lady. She has already crossed sixty. Her years have now bent her back a little but have not affected her activities. She is tall and thin. She has grey hair. Her eyesight is quite good and she can read without spectacles. Even at this age, she is very active and hard working. At times, we are surprise at her agility. She supervises all-important jobs in the family. She is very affectionate and caring. We, her grand children, are attached to her more than to our parents. She loves us very much. She is the most respected lady in our colony. Ladies, young and old, come to her for advice. In the afternoon many women flock around her. Sometimes she tells them her own experiences. We listen to her with respect. When we were little kids, our grandmother was a great source of joy. We used to wait eagerly for the night because at night she would tells us interesting story. I love my Grandmother very much.
My Father
Of all the persons in the world, my father loves me most, and I also love him from the core of my heart. To me, he is like a living goddess who takes all kinds of pain and care for my sake. When I am sick, he spends sleepless nights by my sick-bed. When I come first in my class examination, she becomes perhaps the happiest person on earth. From my childhood, I have been greatly influenced by my father. He has always guided me in the right path in every step of my life. He has taught me discipline, manners, and the sense of duty towards others in the family and in the society. I remember the he used to relate to me many oriental and mythological tales, when a child and did not know how to read and write. He has taught me to love my country and my countrymen. He helps me everyday in preparing my home-work given by the class teacher. In profession he is a secondary school teacher. I feel proud to be such an ideal Father. 

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