
Lesson-38: Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ, ইংরেজি বিষয়ের লেসন-৩৮ Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp থেকে প্যাসেজ এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু প্রশ্নোত্তর ধারাবাহিকভাবে আলোচনা করছি।
Once there was a young boy called Aladin. He lived with his mother in a rich city of China. His father was a poor tailor. He died when Aladin was a child. His mother had to spin cotton to support the family. One day Aladin was playing in the street. All of a sudden, a stranger came. He said to Aladin, ‘My boy, are you the son of Mustafa, the tailor?’ Aladin said, ‘Yes, sir, but my father is dead.’ At this tears came into the man’s eyes. He said, ‘I’m your uncle. Your father was my elder brother.’ He gave Aladin two pieces of gold. He said, ‘Go and tell your mother to cook some food. We will eat together.’ Aladin’s mother was surprised. She did not know Aladin’s father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. The stranger came to Aladin’s house at night. He brought some fruits and sweets with him. The stranger asked Aladin what he did for a living. Aladin was silent. Because he did not do anything. So the stranger said, ‘You must do something to earn a living. I will buy a shop for you. You will sell linen there.’ The mother was very pleased to hear all this. ‘Thank you for your kindness,’ she said to the stranger.
1. True or false? If false, give the correct answer
(a) The city where Aladin lived was developed.
(b) The magician gave Aladin two pieces of golden coin.
(c) The stranger came to Aladin’s house in the evening.
(d) Tears came into the stranger’s eyes.
(e) Aladin’s mother thanked the magician.
Answer to the question no. 01:
(a) True.
(b) False. Correct answer- The magician gave Aladin two pieces of gold.
(c) False. Correct answer-The stranger came to Aladin’s house at night.
(d) True (e) True.
2. Tick the right answer.
1. Mustafa was Aladin’s
(a) father (b) brother
(c) uncle (d) sibling
2. Aladin’s father was
(a) a magician (b) a tailor
(c) a cloth-seller (d) cap-seller
3. Aladin lived with his
(a) father
(b) mother (c) uncle
(d) aunt
4. — managed the family.
(a) Aladin (b) Aladin’s uncle
(c) Aladin’s father
(d) Aladin’s mother
5. Aladin was —.
(a) without any work
(b) rich
(c) happy (d) poor
Answer to the question no. 02:
1. a. father
2. b. a tailor
3. b. mother
4.d. Aladin’s mother
5. a. without any work
3. Asnswer the following questions.
(a) Who was Aladin?
(b) Where did Aladin and his mother live?
(c) How did the stranger introduce himself?
(d) When did tears come into the stranger’s eyes?
(e) What did the stranger bring for them when he came to their house?
(f) Why was Aladin’s mother pleased with the stranger?
(g) How did the stranger want to help Aladin?
Answer to the question no. 03:
(a) Aladin was a grown up boy who lost his father at childhood.
(b) Aladin and his mother lived in a rich city of China.
(c) He introduced himself as Aladin’s uncle.
(d) When the stranger heard that Aladin’s father was not alive, tears came into his eyes.
(e) He brought some fruits and sweets for them.
(f) Aladin’s mother was pleased because the stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a living.
(g) He wanted to buy a shop for Aladin so that he could sell linen there and earn a living.
4. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Aladin’s father died when he was a —.
(b) He was the son of —, the tailor.
(c) The stranger introduced himself to Aladin as his —.
(d) Aladin’s mother used to spin—to support the family.
(e) Aladin’s mother was surprised to know that Aladin’s father had a __.
(f) The stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a —.
Answer to the question no. 04:
(a) Aladin’s father died when he was a child.
(b) He was the son of Mustafa, the tailor.
(c) The stranger introduced himself to Aladin as his uncle.
(d) Aladin’s mother used to spin cotton to support the family.
(e) Aladin’s mother was surprised to know that Aladin’s father had a brother.
(f) The stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a living.
5. Match the words with their similar meaning.
Magician Famished
Plan Disappear
Next Murky
Valley Scared
Gather Unknown person
Flame Performer
Vanish Preparation
Tired Following
Angry Dale
Alone Store
Dark Shake
Answer Beg
Afraid Only
Pray Collect
Young Blaze
Spin Mercy
Stranger Fatigued
Dead Abide by
Surprised Annoyed
Cook Reply
Know Juvenile
Earn Roll
Shop Guest
Pleased Deceased
Kindness Amazed
Obey Chef
Tremble Make out
Hungry Get
Answer to the question no. 05:
Shop = Store Pleased = Satisfied
Kindness = Mercy Next = Following
Valley = Dale Gather = Collect
Obey = Abide by Tremble = Shake
Tired = Fatigued Angry = Annoyed
Alone = Only Dark = Murky
Answer = Reply Afraid = Scared
Pray = Beg Young = Juvenile
Spin = Roll Dead = Deceased
Surprised = Amazed Cook = Chef
Know = Make out Earn = Get
Vanish = Disappear Stranger=Unknown person
Magician = Performer Plan = Preparation
Flame = Blaze Hungry = Famished
6. Make sentences using the following words.
Genie, Rub, Strnger, Plan, Narrow, Valley, Pocket, Ring, Tailor, Support, Stranger, Earn, Living, Magician, Angry, Narrow, Valley, Flame, staircase, Downstairs, Vases, Full, Cave.
Answer to the question no. 06:
Support = Aladin’s mother had to support her family.
Living = Aladin did nothing for a living.
Magician = The stranger was a magician.
Narrow = The road was very narrow.
Valley = Aladin went to a valley.
Flame = They saw flame inside the cave.
Staircase = Aladin used staircase to go inside the cave.
Downstairs = Aladin went downstairs.
Vases = There were many flower vases inside the cave.
Full = The plate was full of food.
Cave = The genie took Aladin out of the cave.
Genie = The genie was very helpful.
Rub = Aladin’s mother rubbed the lamp.
Stranger = The stranger was a good person.
Plan = We should work with good plan.
Narrow = It was a narrow lane.
Valley = The valley was very narrow.
Pocket = Aladin put some jewels in his pocket.
Ring = The ring was very valuable.
Stranger = The stranger was a magician.
Earn = She earned living by spinning cotton.
Angry = The magician became very angry.
7.1. Use capital letter and punctuation mark where necessary.
the stranger asked aladin what he did for a living aladin was silent because he did not do anything so the stranger said you must do something to earn a living i will buy a shop for you you will sell linen there the mother was very pleased to hear all this thank you for your kindness she said to the stranger
Answer to the question no. 07.1:
The stranger asked Aladin what he did for a living. Aladin was silent. Because he did not do anything. So the stranger said, ‘You must do something to earn a living. I will buy a shop for you. You will sell linen there.’ The mother was very pleased to hear all this. ‘Thank you for your kindness,’ she said to the stranger.
7.2. Use capital letter and punctuation marks.
all of a sudden a stranger came he said to aladin my boy are you the son of mustafa the tailror aladin said yes sir but my father is dead at this tears came into the mans eyes he said im your uncle your father was my elder brother he gave aladin two pieces of gold he said go and tell your mother to cook some food we will eat together
Answer to the question no. 7.2:
All of a sudden, a stranger came. He said to Aladin, ‘My boy, are you the son of Mustafa, the tailor?’Aladin said, ‘Yes,sir, but my father is dead.’ At this tears came into the man’s eyes. He said, ‘I’m your uncle. Your father was my elder brother.’ He gave Aladin two pieces of gold. He said, ‘Go and tell your mother to cook some food. We will eat together.’
8. Use right form of verb.
Aladin’s mother (be) — surprised. She not (know) — Aladin’s father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. The stranger (come) — to Aladin’s house at night. He brought some fruits and sweets with him. The stranger (ask) — Aladin what he did for a living. Aladin was silent. Because he did not do anything. So the stranger said, ‘You must do something to earn a living. I will buy a shop for you. You will sell linen there.’ The mother was very (please) — to hear all this.
Answer to the question no. 8:
Aladin’s mother was surprised. She did not know Aladin’s father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. The stranger came to Aladin’s house at night. He brought some fruits and sweets with him. The stranger asked Aladin what he did for a living. Aladin was silent. Because he did not do anything. So the stranger said, ‘You must do something to earn a living. I will buy a shop for you. You will sell linen there.’ The mother was very pleased to hear all this.
Tailor =Aladin’s father was a tailor.

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