
English : Lesson 13

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, আজ ইংরেজি বই-এর লেসন-১৩ থেকে প্যাসেজ ও প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করব।
Students: Good morning, teacher.
Teacher: Good morning, students. How are you?
Students: We’re fine, thank you. How are you, teacher?
Teacher: I’m fine too. Thank you. Let’s start now. Look at the picture. What can you see?
Students: We can see many birds.
Teacher: Do you like birds?
Students: Yes, we do.
Teacher: Rima, do you know this bird in the picture?
Students: This is a parrot.
Teacher: How do you know it?
Students: It has a red beak and a long tail. Its feathers are green.
Teacher: Right, very good. Now, we will talk about some common birds of Bangladesh. Can you name some of them?
Students: The crow, the sparrow, the doel, the shalik, the kingfisher—.
Teacher: Why do we call them common?
Students: We call them common because we can see them often.
Teacher: Which of them do you think is the most common, Pavel?
Students: I think it’s the crow.
Teacher: Why do you think so?
Pavel : Because we can see it everywhere.
Teacher: Can you name a seasonal bird, Bina?
Bina : Yes, teacher, the cuckoo.
Teacher: When can we see it?
Bina : We can see it in the spring.
Teacher: Where do these birds live, Amin?
Amin : They live in trees.
Teacher: Which birds live in our houses?
Amin : Sparrows, and sometimes parrots and mainas.
Teacher: How do parrots and mainas live in houses?
Amin: In the cages as pets.
Teacher: I don’t think birds are happy in cages.
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the brackets.
(a) Birds are—in the cages. (happy/not happy/free)
(b) The—is a seasonal bird. (hen/crow/cuckoo)
(c) Many students like—.(birds/crow/spring)
(d) A parrot has—feathers. (red/black/green)
(e) The most common bird is—. (sparrow/crow/doel)
1. Or, Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
(a) A—has a red beak and a long tail.
(b) The sparrow is a — bird in Bangladesh.
(c) People can see the — everywhere.
(d) Parrots and mainas live in our houses as —.
(e) Birds live — trees.
(f) The cuckoo is a—bird.
(g) Students can see many—in the picture.
(h) The crow is — most common bird in Bangladesh.
(i) Birds — unhappy in cages. (j) The shalik is a — bird.
Answer to the question no 1
(a) Birds are not happy in the cages.
(b) The cuckoo is a seasonal bird.
(c) Many students like birds.
(d) A parrot has green feathers. (e) The most common bird is crow.
Answer to the question no 01 Or,
(a) A parrot has a red beak and a long tail.
(b) The sparrow is a common bird in Bangladesh.
(c) People can see the crow everywhere.
(d) Parrots and mainas live in our houses as pets.
(e) Birds live in trees.
(f) The cuckoo is a seasonal bird.
(g) Students can see many birds in the picture.
(h) The crow is the most common bird in Bangladesh.
(i) Birds are unhappy in cages.
(j) The shalik is a common bird

2. Write whether the following sentences are true or false.
If false, give the correct information.
(a) The students wished the teacher good morning.
(b) A parrot has a long beak and a green tail.
(c) The doel is a seasonal bird.
(d) The parrot is the most common bird in Bangladesh.
(e) The kingfisher is a seasonal bird.
(f) Pet birds live in trees.
(g) Birds live in houses as intruder.
(h) The shalik is a common bird.
(i) Birds remain in pensive mood in the cages.
(j) The teacher wished the student good morning.
Answer to the question no 02:
(a) True (b) False. Correct answer- A parrot has a red beak and a long tail. (c) False. Correct answer-The doel is a common bird. (d) False. Correct answer-The crow is the most common bird in Bangladesh. (e) False. Correct answer-The kingfisher is a common bird (f) False. Correct answer-They live in our houses. (g) False. Correct answer-They live in our houses at pets. (h) True (i) True (j) True
2. Or. Match the parts of the sentences from column A with the parts of the sentences from column B (extra one is given in column B.
Column A Column B
1. A parrot has a. in spring.
2. Sparrows live b. the crow everywhere.
3. We can see c. a long tail
4. We can see the cuckoo d. like to live in cages.
5. Birds do not e. in our houses.
f. to fly.
Answer to the question no 2 Or
1. A parrot has a long tail.
2. Sparrows live in our houses.
3. We can see the crow everywhere.
4. We can see the cuckoo in spring.
5. Birds do not like to live in cages
3. Answer the question.
(a) How does a parrot look?
(b) Are the birds happy in cages?
(c) Why do we call the kingfisher a common bird?
(d) Which birds live in our houses?
(e) Why the cuckoo is called a seasonal bird?
(f) Name some common birds of Bangladesh.
(g) Do you like birds?
(h) What can the students see in the picture?
(i) How could Rima recognize the parrot?
(j) Do sparrows live in your houses as pet?
Answer to the question no 03:
(a) A parrot looks beautiful with a red beak and a long tail.
(b) No, the birds are not happy in cages.
(c) We call the kingfisher a common bird because we can see it often.
(d) Sparrows, and sometimes parrots and mainas live in our houses.
(e) The cuckoo is called a seasonal bird because we can see it only in a particular season. We can see it in the spring.
(f) The crow, the sparrow, the doel, the shalik, the kingfisher etc are the common birds of Bangladesh.
(g) Yes, we do.
(h) The students can see many birds in the picture.
(i) Observing the red beak and the long tail Rima recognized the parrot.
(j) No they do not live in our houses as pet. They live as intruder.
4. Match the words with their similar words.
Teacher Student Fine Start
Think Cage Right Common
Often Pet Live Call
Seasonal Beak Tail Too
Familiar Frequently Favourite Exist
Term Exact Cyclic Bill
Back Besides Instructor pupil
Well launch Feel Pen

Answer to the question no 04
Teacher— Instructor
Student— pupil Fine— Well Start— launch Think— Feel Cage— Pen Right— Exact Common— Familiar
Too— Besides
Tail— Back
Beak— Bill
Seasonal— Cyclic
Live— Exist
Pet— Favourite
Often— Frequently
Call— Term

5. Make sentences using the following words.
When, Name, Talk, Know, Start, How, Look, Can, See, Like, Parrot, Beak, Tail, Green, Common, seasonal, spring, Live, Happy, familiar, Feathers, Around, everywhere, season, cage,

Answer to the question no 05
When—When can we see it?
Name—Can you name them?
Talk—We shall talk about common birds.
Know—How do you know it?
Start—Let’s start now.
How—How are you, sir?
Look—Look at the picture.
Can—What can you see?
See—We can see many birds.
Like—Do you like birds?
Parrot—This is a parrot.
Beak—It has a red beak and a long tail.
Tail—It has a red beak and a long tail.
Green—Its feathers are green.
Common—We call them common because we can see them often.
Seasonal—Can you name a seasonal bird, Bina?
Spring—We can see it in the spring.
Live—They live in trees.
Happy—I don’t think birds are happy in cages.
Familiar—It is very familiar to us.
Feather—Its feathers are green.
Around—We can turn around.
Everywhere—We can see the common birds everywhere.
Season—The cuckoo sings in the spring season.
Cage—birds do not like to live in cages.
Quite often—We can see the crow quite often.
6. Use capital letters and punctuation marks.
ms jamila akhter is a shop assistant she works in shifts in a department store in chittagong so she doesn’t have to go at the same time every day on some days she works in the first shift from 9 am to 3 pm on other days she works in the second shift
from 3 pm to 9 pm
Answer to the question no 06
Ms Jamila Akhter is a shop assistant. She works in shifts in a
department store in Chittagong. So, she doesn’t have to go at the same time every day. On some days she works in the first shift from 9 am to 3 pm. On other days, she works in the second shift from 3 pm to 9 pm.

7. Use correct form of verbs in the brackets.
(a)Today he is well. But yesterday he—ill. (be)
(b) My aunt is ill. She — from fever.(suffer)
(c) She has a lot of pain. She — anything. (eat)
(d) It is noon. Some boys — in the river. (swim)
(e) It has a red beak and a long tail. Its feathers—green. (be)
(f) Why— the cuckoo a seasonal bird? Because we can see it in a particular season.(call)
(g) Shihab is ten years old. He — in a small town. (live)
(h) The name of our country is Bangladesh. It — independent in 1971. (become)
(i) Today is Eid. Nafisa — a new dress. (wear)
(j)The patient dies after the doctor— (come)
Answer to the question no 07
(a) Today he is well. But yesterday he was ill.
(b) My aunt is ill. She is suffering from fever.
(c) She has a lot of pain. She can not eat anything.
(d) It is noon. Some boys are swimming in the river.
(e) It has a red beak and a long tail. Its feathers are green.
(f) Why is the cuckoo called a seasonal bird? Because we can see it seasonally.
(g) Shihab is ten years old. He lives in a small town
(h) The name of our country is Bangladesh. It became independent in 1971.
(i) Today is Eid. Nafisa is wearing a new dress.
(j) The patient died after the doctor had come.

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