
রাইট ফর্ম অব ভার্বস অংশ-৫

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, ইংরেজি বিষয়ে নতুন সিলেবাস ১০ নং প্রশ্ন থাকবে রাইট ফর্ম অব ভার্বস-এর উপর। এতে নম্বর থাকবে ৫।
56. Mr. Hafiz works in a village. But his wife — in Dhaka at present. (live)
Ans: Mr. Hafiz works in a village. But his wife is living in Dhaka at present.
57. The child is hungry. The mother — it. (feed)
Ans: The child is hungry. The mother is feeding it.
58.It is 8 am. Some people — the bus.(wait)
Ans: It is 8 am. Some people are waiting the bus.
59.It is very hot. The children — in the Dhanmondi Lake. (swim)
Ans: It is very hot. The children are swimming in the Dhanmondi Lake.
60. Piho is very lazy. He — always late for school. (to be)
Ans: Piho is very lazy. He is always late for school.
61. Roksana needed some money. Her uncle — it to her. (give)
Ans: Roksana needed some money. Her uncle gave it to her.
62. The sky is cloudy. It — soon. (rain)
Ans: The sky is cloudy. It may rain soon.
63. He was sweating and trembling. All the time he —. (pray)
Ans: He was sweating and trembling. All the time he kept praying.
64. Prisila has not come yet. She said that she — at ten. (come)
Ans: Prisila has not come yet. She said that she would come at ten.
65. It is impossible to go to Japan by train. We — there by plane. (go)
Ans: It is impossible to go to Japan by train. We can go there by plane.
66. The book is small and thin. It — only one hundred pages. (has)
Ans: The book is small and thin. It has only one hundred pages.
67. Rabeya does not go to bed early. So she — up late in the morning. (wake)
Ans: Rabeya does not go to bed early. So she wakes up late in the morning.
68. How are you? I — fine in my new school. (do)
Ans: How are you? I am doing fine in my new school.
69. He is a nice boy. Everybody — him. (like)
Ans: He is a nice boy. Everybody likes him.
70. It spins a thread. It — its home. (make)
Ans: It spins a thread. It makes its home.
71. Look at the picture. What — you —? (see)
Ans: Look at the picture. What can you see?

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