
Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি বিষয়ের লেসন-৩৮ ‘আলাদিন এন্ড দ্যা ওয়ান্ডারফুল ল্যাম্প’ থেকে নমুনা প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করব। এ ধরনের অন্য প্রশ্নোত্তরের জন্য বিষয়বস্তুটি ভালোভাবে পড়বে।
3. Tick the right answer.
1. Mustafa was Aladin’s —.
a. father b. brother
c. uncle d. sibling
2. Aladin’s father was —.
a. a magician b. a tailor
c. a cloth-seller d. cap-seller
3. Aladin lived with his —.
a. father b. mother c. uncle d. aunt
4. — managed the family.
a. Aladin b. Aladin’s uncle
c. Aladin’s father
d. Aladin’s mother
5. Aladin was —.
a. without any work b. rich
c. happy d. poor
Answer to the question no-3:
1. a. father 2. b. a tailor 3. b. mother 4. d. Aladin’s mother 5. a. without any work
4. Fill in the blanks.
a. Aladin’s father died when he was a —.
b. He was the son of —, the tailor.
c. The stranger introduced himself to Aladin as his —.
d. Aladin’s mother used to spin — to support the family.
e. Aladin’s mother was surprised to know that Aladin’s father
had a —.
f. The stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a —.
Answer to the question no-4:
a. Aladin’s father died when he was a child.
b. He was the son of Mustafa, the tailor.
c. The stranger introduced himself to Aladin as his uncle.
d. Aladin’s mother used to spin cotton to support the family.
e. Aladin’s mother was surprised to know that Aladin’s father
had a brother.
f. The stranger wanted to help Aladin to earn a living.
5. Match the words with their similar meaning.
Magician Famished
Plan Disappear
Next Murky
Valley Scared
Gather Unknown person
Flame Performer
Jewel Preparation
Tired Following
Angry Dale
Alone Polish
Dark Shake
Answer Beg
Afraid Only
Pray Collect
Young Blaze
Spin Gem
Stranger Fatigued
Dead Annoyed
Surprised Abide by
Cook Reply
Know Juvenile
Earn Roll
Shop Guest
Pleased Deceased
Kindness Amazed
Obey Chef
Tremble Make out
Hungry Get
Rub Store
Vanish Satisfied
Answer to the question no-5:
Shop = Store
Pleased = Satisfied
Kindness = Mercy
Next = Following
Valley = Dale
Gather = Collect
Obey = Abide by
Tremble = Shake
Tired = Fatigued
Angry = Annoyed
Alone = Only
Dark = Murky
Answer = Reply
Afraid = Scared
Pray = Beg
Young = Juvenile
Spin = Roll
Dead = Deceased
Surprised = Amazed
Cook = Chef
Know = Make out
Earn = Get
Vanish = Disappear
Stranger = Unknown person
Magician = Performer
Plan = Preparation
Flame = Blaze
Hungry = Famished
Rub = Polish
Jewel = Gem.

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